Products & Services

Tammy's Tumbling & Gymnastics offers classes to boys and girls. 

Our Classes Are:

*  Structured with weekly lesson plans 

*  They are taught once a week for 45 minutes 

*  Our preschool classes are limited to 12 children per class with 2 teachers plus assistants for more individual attention. Our school aged classes also have 2 teachers plus assistants if class sizes exceed 8 on each side.

*  Divided by age and ability, for your child to progress and to be challenged at his/her level.

*  Lot's of FUN!


Preschool Tumbletots:

Students participate in 'circle time' and obstacle courses that are challenging and fun while they are building self confidence, increase social skills, improve their listening skills, and their ability to follow directions.  They develop coordination, strength, gymnastics skills, flexibility, and balance too.


School age Gymnastics:

Students learn basic skills, body positions, and terminology.  They build on these basic skills in order to progress to the more advanced skills.  Students will learn routines, demonstrating what they have learned throughout the year and will perform at the annual gymnastics show in June, where they will receive a medal!


Birthday Parties:

We host birthday parties.  The parties are an hour and a half.  The first half is structured gymnastics activities and games.  The second half is for cake and presents.  We entertain and do all the cleaning!  The cost is $120.00 for 12 children.  A 2 hour party is $150.00


Policy and Tuition:

* There is a $15.00 REGISTRATION FEE.

*  Full payment of $55.00 is due on the first class of each month. (Private classes are $95.00 per month, and semi private classes are $75.00 per child, per month).  Cash or checks are accepted.  Please write checks to Tammy Castor or Stepping Stones of Triumph.

*  A late fee of $15.00 per month, per child, will be charged to accounts that are not paid by the 15th of the month.

*Siblings receive a $10.00 discount, except for private classes.

*  There is no credit for missed classes, however if classes are cancelled due to inclimate weather, we will do our best to offer a make up session.  If classes must be canceled due to inclimate weather, it will be posted on WWNY TV,  and will be on the answering machine at 315-583-5475.

*  Once your child has registered for a class, his/her space is reserved for the remainder of the session (Sept. - June; school year session) or (July and Aug; Summer session).  If you do not wish to continue in the program for the full session, you must contact Tammy Castor, teacher/owner to withdraw from the program 2 weeks before the first class of the next month.  That will open that space for another student. 

*  Tammy's Tumbling follows the South Jefferson vacation schedule.  When South Jeff. is closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas, winter break, Spring break,  and Memorial Day, Tammy's Tumbling is also closed.

Snow Closings:  Tammy's Tumbling rarely closes because of weather conditions.    If the weather conditions are poor in the afternoon, and classes are cancelled, it will be posted on WWNY TV, on this website, and on the answering machine at 315-583-5475.  

*  Rules:  

1.  No chewing gum

2.  No food or drinks on the mats

3.  All gymnasts must remain in the waiting area until called for class.

4.  Long hair must be pulled back.  (some skills are difficult to do with hair in the way)

5.  All injuries must be reported immediately.

6.  No boots or outside shoes on the mats.